Daniel Zheng 郑昊, LPC, MEd, MPH
Serving clients located in Texas and Washington
Areas of specialty: anxiety, depression, substance use, addiction, grief, children & adolescents
Aetna, Anthem, BCBS, Cigna, Optum, Oscar Health, UHC, UMR, sliding scale
Hi. I’m Hao Zheng. You can call me Daniel. I’m a bilingual (Mandarin) Licensed Professional Counselor who works with adolescents and adults, experiencing anxiety, depression, burning out, and other unstable moods. I was born and raised in Beijing, China, and moved to Texas when I was 18 years old. I have been studying and working in Texas for more than 10 years, which makes me have a better understanding of the cultures on both sides. I am passionate about Logotherapy, which helps people focus on the future and on their ability to endure hardship and suffering through find personal meaning in life. “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way.” - Viktor E. Frankl
I used to work as an inpatient therapist at Oceans Behavioral Hospital in Abilene for adults with depression, anxiety, and substance use. I also spend my summertime volunteering in Camp Courage for children age from 7-17 who have suffered loss of a loved one through death, divorce, incarceration, deployment or other painful transition.
I understand my clients through their own life and cultural experiences; thus, I work with each individual to develop a treatment plan that will help my client in meeting their goals to be the best they can be.
您好,我是一名华人心理咨询师。我毕业于基督教大学Hardin-Simmons University心理咨询专业,并于2019年取得执照开始咨询。我在北京出生长大,在18岁时,来到德州开始学习生活工作,所以十分理解中西方文化差异会造成的压力,不认同,以及迷茫。我曾很荣幸的为美国意义治疗协会主席Dr. Robert Barnes工作,学习四年,期间我了解到意义治疗在帮助人们找寻自己人生的意义以及价值从而伴随人们克服克服人的至暗时刻。 “人所拥有的任何东西,都可以被剥夺,唯独人性最后的自由,也就是在任何境遇中选择自己态度和生活方式的自由不能被剥夺。” - 维克多·弗兰克
Fun Facts About Me:
favorite color: Blue
favorite drink: Water
favorite food: Whey protein
favorite store: Academy
love languages: Act of service
hobbies: Tennis, Basketball